of South Africa's most renowned writers, J.M. Coetzee is known for
his portrayal of his native country both during and after apartheid.
His postcolonial orientation draws upon myth and allegory as freely
as it does realism. Coetzee is further distinguished by his acute
awareness of marginalization, his affinity for rural settings, and
his unique take on ethno-linguistic identity.
Maxwell Coetzee was born on Feb. 9Th
1940 in Cape Town, South Africa, "the
elder of two children. His mother was a primary school teacher. His
father was trained as an attorney, but practiced as such only
parents were Zacharias and Vera Wehmeyer Coetzee. Although Zacharias
grew up on a farm in Worchester, a rural Afrikaans community in Cape
Town, he took advantage of the educational resources available to him
and became a lawyer for the city government while Vera worked as a
teacher. The installment of the Nationalist Party in 1948 brought
grave consequences for the Coetzee family. Because of his opposition
to the legalization of apartheid, Zacharias was dismissed as a
government lawyer. At this time, John Maxwell was eight and the
family moved back to the Coetzee family farm in Worchester. There,
Zacharias farmed sheep and kept books for the local fruit-canning
factory. Although the young boy developed a fond affinity for the
farm, it was during his time in Worchester that John came to
understand what it was like to be marginalized.
family were Afrikaners, people of Dutch South African descent. For
the most part, Afrikaners were Protestants belonging to the Dutch
Reformed Church and spoke Afrikaans, a Dutch South African dialect.
Because of the political dissent between the English and the
Afrikaans-speaking white South Africans, the school systems for
whites were segregated along linguistic lines. John, however, did not
fit neatly into Afrikaans culture. He attended English-medium classes
and claimed to be Catholic. He loved reading English literature and
never fully identified with rural Afrikaans children, who he found to
be rough, coarse, and poor. Although Afrikaans nationalism was at its
height, the people were in the midst of an agricultural depression.
parents were bloedsappe,Afrikaners
who supported General Jan Smuts and dissociated themselves from the
Afrikaner nationalist movement that eventually came to power in South
Africa in 1948" (Marais). "Though Coetzee's parents were
not of British descent, the language spoken at home was English"
(Coetzee), and English was the primary language of instruction at
primary schools Coetzee attended in Cape Town and nearby Worcester,
and at the Catholic boys' school, run by Marist Brothers in Cape
Town, where he received his secondary education. "He spent most
of his childhood in Cape Town and Worcester--a period of his life
that he recalls in his semi-autobiography, Boyhood:
Scenes from Provincial Life
It is noteworthy that a section of Boyhood
devoted to the holidays that Coetzee spent as a child on his uncle's
farm in the Karoo, the semidesert region of the Cape Province"
(Marais). This region is a main setting in his novel Life
& Times of Michael K
His "bilingual upbringing has enabled Coetzee to depict English-
and Afrikaans-speaking characters in his fiction with equal facility
. . ." (Marais).
family moved back to Cape Town in 1951 and Zacharias opened up a law
firm, which failed because of Zacharias' inability to manage money.
The family became more and more dependent on Vera's humble earnings
as a teacher. As a young child, John Maxwell was very close to his
mother, but had trouble understanding the nuanced racism of South
Africa. Coetzee says in his autobiography Boyhood,
which is written in third person:
[John Maxwell] is always trying to make sense of his mother. Jews are exploiters, she says; yet she prefers Jewish doctors because they know what they are doing. Colored people are the salt of the earth, she says, yet she and her sisters are always gossiping about pretend-whites with secret Colored backgrounds. He cannot understand how she can hold so many contradictory beliefs at the same time.
Coetzee struggled to make sense of his world. On the farm, Coetzee
had been told that the Colored laborers belonged on the land their
ancestors had inhabited, yet he did not understand their unchanging
subservient position. In Cape Town, Coetzee observed how the laws
increasingly restricted these people to these low-paying jobs.
high school, Coetzee attended St. Joseph's and continued to the
University of Cape Town (1957-1960), where he received a B.A. in
English in 1960 and a B.A. in Mathematics in 1961.
left South Africa and moved to London, England in 1962, where he
worked as a computer programmer for IMB until 1963. Determined not to
go back to South Africa and required to maintain a job to stay in the
U.K., Coetzee next worked as a computer systems programmer job with
International Computers (1964-65), relocating to Bracknell,
Berkshire, which involved him both with brilliant Cambridge
University mathematicians (which he enjoyed) and with secret British
military weapons development (which he deplored). In England he
completed a thesis on the novelist Ford Maddox Ford and earned his
master's degree from the University of Cape Town in 1965.
years in England are the subject of Youth,
the second installment of his memoirs, retracing stimulating literary
opinions of the authors he reads, excitement about Samuel Beckett,
experiments in computer-generated poetry, tentative interest in
writing prose fiction, rather than poetry, but ending with a bleak
assessment of his present state: "cold, frozen," "not
a poet, not a writer, not an artist" (Youth 168).
Notably absent in Youth
any mention of his marriage, in 1963, to Phillippa Jubber. Coetzee
met and married his wife, Philippa Jubber, in 1963. While in America,
they had a son in 1966 and a daughter in 1968. He and his wife
divorced in 1980.
has said "all autobiography is storytelling, all writing is
autobiography", and has published three volumes of fictionalised
intensely private man, who has twice declined to collect a Booker
prize in person, Coetzee was persuaded to collaborate on the
biography by the late professor of Afrikaans and Dutch at
Stellenbosch University. Kannemeyer, who died on 25 December 2011,
was the first researcher to be given complete access to Coetzee's
private documents, including the manuscripts of his 16 novels. He
also spoke at length to the author, and was put in touch by Coetzee
with the author's family, friends and colleagues. That's how JM
Coetzee: A Life in Writing
was written. It wasn't published until 2014, 3 years after its author
had died.
autobiography corrects common misperceptions. One such is the myth
that Coetzee’s son Nicolas, who died in 1989 at the age of 22, was
killed in a car crash. In fact, he fell from the balcony of his
11th-floor Johannesburg flat, leaving finger-marks as evidence of his
frantic attempts to save himself, apparently scotching the theory of
had a difficult relationship with his son, and they were not
reconciled; yet he was consoled, pitifully, tragically, by the simple
fact that Nicolas had a postcard from him in his possession when he
died: evidence that he could still reach his son. Future readers
of The
Master of Petersburg will
find the poignancy of the grieving Dostoevsky intensified where he is
presented with the last letter he wrote to his dead stepson, who has
fallen to his death from a tall building.
marriage to and relationship with Philippa Jubber, entirely absent
from his autobiographical works. Kannemeyer has an uphill task to
write Philippa back into the story, and he records some affecting
episodes, especially concerning her death. But there is no sense of
what drew them together, or what drove them apart.
suffered years of health issues, including a worsening epilepsy
condition that would come to compromise virtually every aspect of her
seems embarrassed to pry into Coetzee's private life, and supplies
only minimal insights into his marriage to Philippa Jubber in 1963:
what drew them together; why did they marry so quickly after his
return to South Africa from England, where Coetzee had ''slept with a
succession of women, but gained at most physical relief, routine
without passion''; what drove them apart? After 17 years of marriage,
divorce followed: Coetzee blamed himself, but Kannemeyer does not
attempt an explanation other than to hint that Coetzee considered
himself partly autistic, and that he accused himself of ''stinginess
at various levels''.
private life has been deeply touched with tragedy: ranging from
Philippa's terrible death of cancer, to their son Nicolas' fall from
a high-rise balcony, which may have been accident, to the epilepsy
and depression of Coetzee's daughter Gisela. But Kannemeyer deals
with such matters in the sparsest language and as unemotionally as is
1965 Coetzee moved to America in pursuit of a Ph.D.; he enrolled in
the graduate program at the University of Texas at Austin (Fullbright
exchange programme) where in 1969 he completed a doctoral thesis on
Samuel Beckett's English fiction and earned his Ph.D. in English,
linguistics, and Germanic languages. During his studies, Coetzee came
across a 1760 account of explorations into South Africa written by
one of his remote ancestors, Jacobus Coetzee. The account latter
became a seed for his first published work of fiction. In 1968,
Coetzee moved to the State University in New York at Buffalo to
pursue a job in academia; the campus, meanwhile, was consumed by the
Vietnam anti-war movement. Coetzee also reports in his Nobel
biography that he "began writing fiction in 1969. Coetzee was
"deeply" affected by the U.S. Vietnam War, arrested for
participating in an antiwar demonstration, and led to "comparison
of U.S. colonialism with South African colonialism" Coetzee
returned to the University of Cape Town as a professor of literature
in 1972 after being refused permanent residence in the United States.
the University of Capetown, Coetzee took the position of lecturer in
English from 1972-1982. Two years after his return, he published his
first novel Dusklands (1974) in
South Africa.
& Times of Michael K (1983), which won
Britain's Booker Prize," one of the most prestigious literary
prizes in the world, as well as the Prix Femina Etranger in France,
and yet another CNA Literary Award in South Africa. In 1983, Coetzee
was advanced to the position of Professor of general literature at
the University of Cape Town.
remaining on the faculty of the University of Cape Town until 2000,
Coetzee accepted several offers made by some of the most prestigious
universities in the United States between 1984 to 2003. Coetzee
served as Butler Professor of English at State University of New York
at Buffalo in 1984 and 1986, as Hinkley Professor of English at Johns
Hopkins University in 1986 and 1989, as visiting Professor of English
at Harvard University in 1991. He also taught at "Stanford
University, and the University of Chicago, where for six years he was
a member of the Committee on Social Thought"
(1999), a novel set in post-apartheid South Africa, which won the
Booker Prize and earned Coetzee the distinction of being the only
author ever to win this prestigious international prize twice.
Coetzee's accomplishments do not stop there. Coetzee is that "'rare
phenomenon, a writer-scholar,' Ian Glenn, a colleague of Coetzee's,
told the Washington Post's Allister Sparks. 'Even if he
hadn't had a career as a novelist he would have had a very
considerable one as an academic'"
has also been active as a translator of Dutch and Afrikaans
literature", as well as of French and German literature. By
2000, Coetzee was Distinguished Professor of Literature at the
University of Capetown. We get a sense of the hunger for knowledge
and gift for linguistics that would see him master not only his
native tongues of English and Afrikaans but also French, German, and
Dutch as well as gaining a level of proficiency at the very least in
languages like Spanish and Russian.
don't like writing so I have to push myself,' he said. 'It's bad if I
write but it's worse if I don't.' Coetzee hesitates to discuss his
works in progress, and views his opinion of his published works as no
more important than that of anyone else. 'The writer is simply
another reader when it is a matter of discussing the books he has
already written,' he told Sparks. 'They don't belong to him anymore
and he has nothing privileged to say about them--while the book he is
engaged in writing is far too private and important a matter to be
talked about'"
is commonly believed that Coetzee's decision to leave South Africa
for good in 2002 and settle in Australia was in direct reaction to
the African National Congress's negative comments about Disgrace,
which won the Booker Prize in 1999. Although this could have tipped
the balance, it would be an oversimplification to ascribe his
departure exclusively to that.
in February 2004, Coetzee symbolically received the keys of the city
from a cheering multitude of its citizens, he described Adelaide as a
paradise on earth. For the 2004 Adelaide Writers Week, thousands of
people gathered on the lawns in the centre of the city to listen to
their favourite writers from Australia and elsewhere. An unusual
guest that year was a writer straddling the divide: the South African
John Coetzee, who had settled in South Australia.
March 6, 2006, on the opening day of the Adelaide Writers Week,
Coetzee officially received Australian citizenship at a special
ceremony in a tent. Festivalgoers watched the new citizen take his
oath of allegiance to Australia and heard him address the crowd:
becoming a citizen one undertakes certain duties and
responsibilities. One of the more intangible of those duties and
responsibilities is, no matter what one's birth and background, to
accept the historical past of the new country as one's own."
however, kept his South African nationality and he reiterated the
sentiment he had repeatedly expressed before:
did not so much leave South Africa, a country with which I retain
strong emotional ties, but come to Australia. I came because from the
time of my first visit in 1991, I was attracted by the free and
generous spirit of the people, by the beauty of the land itself and -
when I first saw Adelaide - by the grace of the city that I now have
the honour of calling my home."
changed him into a happier and more relaxed man, whose Australian
novels reveal his work is still rapidly developing. This important
biography, though marred by occasional clunky writing and an
inadequate index, sheds more light on a great writer than anything
that has appeared previously.
M. Coetzee was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature; named
Life Fellow, University of Cape Town; and Puterbaugh Fellow,
University of Oklahoma.
2003 Nobel Prize in Literature citation to Prof. J. M. Coetzee:
"who in innumerable guises portrays
the surprising involvement of the outsider."
“Coetzee's work runs like a high-tension cable across an inhospitable South African landscape. . . .
"In the dystopian novel Disgrace, David Lurie does not achieve creativity and freedom until, stripped of all dignity, he is afflicted by his own shame and history's disgrace. In this work, Coetzee summarises his themes: race and gender, ownership and violence, and the moral and political complicity of everyone in that borderland where the languages of liberation and reconciliation carry no meaning.”
"Dear John Coetzee . . . You are a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on your own, starting with the basic words for our deepest concerns. Unsettling and surprising us, you have dug deeply into the ground of the human condition with its cruelty and loneliness. You have given a voice to those outside the hierarchies of the mighty. With intellectual honesty and density of feeling, in a prose of icy precision, you have unveiled the masks of our civilization and uncovered the topography of evil.”
is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide,
Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought at
the University of Chicago, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature,
and Honorary Fellow of the Modern Language Association. He lives with
his partner Dorothy Driver, another scholar.
![]() |
with Dorothy Driver |
The above text s a compilation of following sources:
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